Staffing Finance
Experience flexible financing provided by staffing industry experts.
Unlock your potential.
Secure the working capital you need to support and expand your business with White Oak’s ready liquidity and partnership approach to lending. Our personalized service, extended terms and flexible solutions provide staffing companies with the funding they need to invest in growth.

Flexible funding solutions
Asset-based Lines of Credit
Accounts Receivable Financing & Payroll Funding
Customizable Term Loans
Mergers & Acquisitions Financing
Ledgered Lines of Credit
Staffing CFO Insights
Labor, Technology, and the Future of the Staffing Industry
Staffing CFO Insights Brochure Download

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Staffing Industry Affiliations *
American Staffing Association
Staffing Professionals
New York Staffing Association
Massachusetts Staffing Association
"When you pick up the phone you feel like you’re talking to people who understand business and the ebbs and flows of it." White Oak Client
Rethink how your assets can work for you. Contact us today.
Martin Efron
Head of Factoring
Find out what White Oak can do for you.

* Indicates required field
** White Oak Commercial Finance, LLC is an active member.