Lender Finance
We deliver industry expertise, a deep suite of credit solutions and tailored working capital suited to your unique needs.
White Oak Lender Finance (“WOLF”) works with businesses seeking reliable and tailored capital solutions from $20 million to $250 million. We operate as a principal and provide competitive floating rate structures for early stage to mature companies and funds across the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, the Caribbean and Western Europe.
Expertise across commercial, consumer & alternative asset classes.
As a portfolio lender, WOLF directly originates, underwrites and manages every aspect of the business.
Select sectors we serve:
Consumer receivables (sub-prime to prime)
Commercial receivables
Hedge/credit fund leverage
Corporate finance/leveraged loans
Loan portfolio acquisitions
Distressed debt buyer financing
Equipment loans & leases
Vacation ownership
Accelerate growth with fast delivery and reliable access to capital.
WOLF provides rapid access to tailored credit solutions to clients with sizeable and committed financing structures, including:
Revolving senior warehouse facilities
Term loan facilities
Forward flow arrangements
Unitranche facilities
Loan portfolio purchases
Mortgage rediscount facilities
The White Oak Advantage:
White Oak is a leading alternative financing company dedicated to providing creative financing solutions to clients across the globe. We understand every business is unique and take a hands- on approach to ensure our clients’ goals are met with WOLF’s industry expertise.
"The business landscape is quickly evolving — your financing needs to keep pace.
Rethink how your assets can work for you. Contact us today.
Thomas Otte
Chief Executive Officer
White Oak Commercial Finance, LLC
Find out what White Oak can do for you.

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